Month: March 2019

Was John Lennon’s flying saucer a U.S. surveillance gizmo?

Just saw this article about John Lennon’s flying saucer drawing.

Lennon drew his flying saucer because he saw one hovering outside his New York apartment. I propose he was being surveilled electronically by U.S. authorities, and that the flying saucer was just one of ours … an above-top-secret technology we’ve had for 70 years …

As to why the authorities would want to spy on Lennon, our history is rife with examples of federal surveillance of prominent people, from Martin Luther King to Frank Sinatra.

Oh, and, by the way, flying saucers are ideal for stealth and airborne surveillance.

But, then, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.

It’s all in Flying Saucers!

Space Force article offers solution to UFO riddle (#SpaceForce)

Interesting ruminations about the U.S. military’s role regarding a hypothetical ET invasion.

The article discusses President Trump’s plans to form a Space Force (#SpaceForce) and spells out which military branches would defend against ET.

Anyway, in my opinion, the author nails it here.

From the article: “The ‘UFOs’ people are seeing could even be top secret U.S. government craft. The aliens could be us. In the end, maybe it doesn’t matter if the Pentagon has a plan to fight aliens after all.”