After Another Classified UFO Briefing, Congressman Says There’s a Coverup, And I Agree, But It Has Nothing To Do With Space Aliens

I see there was another one of those classified UFO briefings for members of Congress on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

Hardly any media covered it. Here is an article in The Hill.

This snippet from The Hill article is most relevant, in brackets and bolded:

[Following a classified briefing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), more commonly known as UFOs, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) suggested Wednesday that the U.S. government may be intentionally concealing information on these objects from the American public.

“I think there’s a cover up,” Burchett told Blake Burman on NewsNation’s “The Hill.”]

I wholeheartedly agree with Rep. Burchett: There is a HUGE coverup.

However, it has absolutely nothing to do with E.T. and everything to do with Pentagon secrecy about propulsion breakthroughs going back decades. All the evidence I’ve seen strongly suggests the UFOs are top-secret U.S. weapons, particularly the most sensational ones like the Tic Tac encountered by U.S. Navy pilots in 2004 over a U.S. military training range.

The Pentagon’s recent UFO report pretty much confirms as much, explicitly spelling out that UFO witnesses have unwittingly observed top-secret weapons and that they misidentified these technologies as extraterrestrial. The report also makes clear that public discussion of these programs would seriously damage national security.

Here are some excerpts from the UFO report that demonstrate these facts, bulleted, bolded and in brackets:

[• AARO assesses that some portion of sightings since the 1940s have represented misidentification of never-before-seen experimental and operational space, rocket, and air systems, including stealth technologies and the proliferation of drone platforms.

• AARO concludes many of these programs represent authentic, current and former sensitive, national security programs, but none of these programs have been involved with capturing, recovering, or reverse-engineering off-world technology or material.

In many cases, the interviewees named authentic USG (U.S. government) classified programs well-known and understood to those appropriately accessed to them in the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch; however, the interviewees mistakenly associated these authentic USG programs with alien and extraterrestrial activity

AARO assesses that all of the named and described alleged hidden UAP reverse-engineering programs provided by interviewees either do not exist; are misidentified authentic, highly-sensitive national security programs that are not related to extraterrestrial technology exploitation

• The interviewees and others who have mistakenly associated authentic sensitive national security programs with UAP had incomplete or unauthorized access to these programs; discussion of these programs outside of secure facilities presents a high risk of exposing national security information.]

Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, former head of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), has also reinforced these assertions in two opinion pieces published in Scientific American.

Here is an excerpt from one of his Op/Eds, bold and in brackets, and also here is a link to one of the pieces:

[There also is the possibility that some observed and reported phenomena are associated with past or ongoing national security programs completely unrelated to extraterrestrials. Unfortunately, some who have been peripherally involved in these programs are taking advantage of the lack of understanding of security compartmentalization among the public—and some members of Congress—and feel that exposure of national security activities is a public right.

The harm of such exposure would be incalculable: billions of dollars and decades invested in military capabilities exposed to our potential adversaries to satisfy ill-informed curiosity. While some staffers and members of Congress may claim that they and the American people have a right to know of every classified research program, Congress already has an established process for notification of sensitive programs to the bipartisan leadership of both the Senate and House as well as the chairs and ranking minority members of the Senate and House intelligence committees, often referred to as the Gang of Eight. It is incumbent on both the speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader and both chairs of the intelligence committees to ensure that there is no risk of exposing any national security programs in a rush to find extraterrestrials, and that documents are reviewed within appropriate channels. If these members of Congress deem it appropriate not to share classified information, they are doing their job. These are not town hall topics.]

It’s worth noting that there is plenty of precedent for quantum leaps in military technology going all the way back to the ancient Sumerians and Greeks, astonishing breakthroughs held in extreme secrecy for decades.

There is, however, NO precedent for E.T. visitation.

I would argue that when you consider the historical pattern of UFO encounters beginning  in 1947 that the U.S. has had some form of electric or electromagnetic field propulsion technology either in development or in operation since then. If this is true, then these systems have evolved entirely within the Pentagon’s “black budget,” keeping them hidden from the public.

I would further propose that if this is true, then it is the most profound military conspiracy in history, far surpassing everything from the Trojan Horse to the Manhattan Project. A secret of such magnitude that if revealed would have huge implications not only for the world economy but for the very trajectory of human civilization.

So, I would submit that if you remove E.T. visitation from the equation, the only logical explanation is that the Pentagon has very likely developed a series of propulsion breakthroughs that have been responsible for, but not limited to:

• Kenneth Arnold’s seminal sighting in 1947

• The UFOs over Washington, D.C., in 1952

•  The UFO that crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, in 1965

• The giant triangular UFO seen over the Hudson Valley and Belgium in the 1980s

•  The giant triangular object over Phoenix, Arizona, in 1997

•  The similarly giant triangular or delta-shape object observed over southern Illinois in 2000

• The Tic Tac-shape object encountered by U.S. Navy pilots in 2004

•  The disc-shape object observed over Chicago O’Hare International Airport in 2006

As to why the Pentagon would be operating these weapons over populated areas, perhaps it’s real-world training, a “living lab” to perfect tactics and to study how well they perform against state-of-the-art, white-world technologies like F-16s. There have been examples of mysterious military training exercises taking place over populated areas. This excellent article in The War Zone documents one such exercise over Los Angeles (

So, if this terrestrial hypothesis for UFOs is correct and the Pentagon has made a series of astonishing propulsion breakthroughs –  something akin to antigravity – then this raises a whole host of follow-up concerns and questions. For example, do we have a shadow space program that runs parallel to NASA and the Space Force? If so, do we have military bases in deep space?

Thanks to Rep. Burchett and his colleagues for pursuing this matter. Thanks to The Hill for covering the briefing.

But it’s still not E.T.

It was never E.T.

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