Month: October 2022

Thanks, Wall Street Journal! People, and the media, are finally figuring it out: The UFOs aren’t ET.

Love this UFO opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal. It would appear that people — and the media — are finally figuring out that the UFOs aren’t piloted by space aliens. People are also starting to cast suspicion on the Pentagon for its apparent complicity in clouding the whole UFO issue and for its tacit support of the ET hypothesis. Why would this be? To confuse the public and protect secrets, silly.

But I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. It’s all in Flying Saucers!

Navy pilot to Joe Rogan: The UFOs were probably classified U.S. military program

Interesting interview on Joe Rogan podcast:

My big takeaway is this:

“Graves admitted that the mystery surrounding the UFOs did not mean that aliens, or something supernatural, were involved.

” ‘The high-probability answer was this was some type of classified program, of our own making, that had started operating in an area they were not supposed to, for whatever reason,’ Graves said.”

Chalk one up for the terrestrial hypothesis. The UFOs are designed, built and operated by an extremely advanced species: Homo sapiens.

People are starting to figure it out.

NASA is returning to the Moon, but has the Pentagon’s secret space program already gone interstellar?

Some five decades after planting an American flag on the lunar surface, NASA is returning to the Moon, and with much anticipation. explains:

But has the Pentagon’s shadow space program already reached Alpha Centauri and beyond, in an unprecedented military conspiracy spanning decades?

Let’s consider the following:

  1. It should be obvious by now that someone has achieved a propulsion breakthrough. U.S. Navy pilots have witnessed aviation platforms capable of astonishing performance, and commercial pilots also have reported encounters. These objects have been directly observed on U.S. military training ranges and also tracked by radar. There is no doubt that they do exist.
  2. It could be space aliens, or it could be earthlings. Up to this point, the ET hypothesis has dominated the conversation about UFOs. Just for the sake of argument, however, let’s consider the terrestrial hypothesis: that UFOs are super advanced technology developed right here on planet earth, brought to you by the same species that created things like nuclear weapons, microelectronics, nanoelectronics, lasers, fiberoptics, quantum computers, etc., etc.
  3. Then, following this line of reasoning, the nation most likely to have achieved this propulsion breakthrough over the past fifty years is the United States, given the unparalleled resources pumped year after year into military technology during the postwar period.
  4. Also, let us acknowledge that it is highly unlikely that the U.S. military would cede the conquest of space to the nation’s largely civilian space agency, NASA, especially when you consider that space represents the most profoundly important future military theater. Rather, if the Pentagon did possess an advanced propulsion system unlike anything else on the planet, it would secretly continue to exploit this fantastic strategic advantage, pushing farther into space while it enjoyed this temporary dominance over its adversaries.
  5. The Pentagon does not share information about its secret weapons with anyone, certainly not a secret of this magnitude. It would be a military conspiracy rivaled in modern history only by the Manhattan Project. Congress would simply not have a “need to know,” even in the face of the current investigations into UFOs. Knowledge of this new propulsion system would be strictly off limits to the public. Period.

So, this leaves us with a highly dysfunctional system in which commercial access and benefit to the general public are severely hampered by extreme secrecy. A system where NASA is struggling to return astronauts to the Moon half a century after achieving that feat, yet, unbeknownst to Congress and the executive branch, the military has made a quantum leap in space travel. A system in which the Pentagon has been charged by Congress to investigate UFOs, while this very same Congress is unaware that the UFOs are top secret U.S. weapons. The Pentagon can’t explain to Congress that the UFOs are secret U.S. weapons systems because then they would no longer be secret.

This scenario presents several absurdities. First, how can the Pentagon investigate UFOs when the UFOs are top secret U.S. military platforms? Second, you have two parallel space programs, one saddled with the severe limitations of chemical propulsion. The other, already operating vehicles capable of astonishing performance that can travel with equal proficiency in the atmosphere, under the oceans and in outer space.

Let’s assume the conspiracy began in the aftermath of World War II. That’s when the initial propulsion breakthrough becomes evident, with several key sightings: Kenneth Arnold’s encounter in 1947 and the 1952 UFO flap in Washington, D.C.

That means the conspiracy would be 75 years running!